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Offered at $2,750,000

DESCRIPTION:  South Willow Creek Ranch is a Highly Efficient, Minimal Input, and Productive property that is capable of fulfilling numerous roles as a Home for a Registered Operation or Commercial Herd, Back-grounding / AI'ing Program, perfect facility for a Large Established Operation to center their Heifer Calving, Dryland Crop / Hay base, Recreational / Hunting Headquarters or a great place to get away from it all with amenities conveniently located just 5 miles away.

ACREAGE: South Willow Creek Ranch, has 2,319+/- deeded acres, 2,479+/- total usable acres, with 1,657+/- acres of retired CRP and the balance in native grass. 

IMPROVEMENTS:  In 2017 a new well was drilled producing approximately 15-gpm of quality stock water. A very nice 50 X 60 shop/living quarters (with 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms) was just completed in January 2018, and efficiently laid out Barn and set of Corrals were completed in 2019, greatly complimenting the surrounding grasslands, making this a Must See Property.   


Montana-Wyoming West PC is currently working with a variety of Sellers and qualified Buyers who demand absolute confidentiality.  Up to one-half our workload is with these clients.  We can market your farm or ranch by having the Buyers sign non-disclosure agreements before disclosing any information to them.  We can market your property discreetly without all the public fanfare.   Our current inventory includes multiple large irrigated farms in multiple states.  



Buyers and Sellers value their privacy.  Many of the transactions Montana-Wyoming West executes are very confidential, with no public marketing.  Currently we are marketing a variety of properties from very large Nebraska pivot farms, Great Plain and Rocky Mountain ranches, hunting properties, and dry land farms.

Please contact one of our brokers for a private, confidential discussion about selling or buying.  Confidentiality Agreement (CA) forms are used extensively..

Montana-Wyoming West | 912 Solita Dr., Billings, MT. 59105 | T 406.580.1048 office | © 2023 Mont-Wyo West.


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